

Why Detoxes Don’t Work (And Why You Should Avoid Them)

Many doctors now agree that detoxing has 0 health benefits for your body.

In fact, A 2015 study found that there was “no compelling research” to support the use of detoxes at all.

So, should you do away with detoxing all together?

That depends…

You see, while the modern day “flash” detox is expensive, dangerous, and by all accounts useless for the function of your body…

There is a way to naturally detox your body day in and day out…

Without the expensive juices…

Without a handful of supplements…

And without taking any unnecessary risks with your health.

It all has to do with your body’s own Natural Detox Machine.

You probably know it as your Liver….

But few people realize that by simply keeping your liver health in check…

Your body will be constantly detoxing for you.

Giving you better energy, better sleep, and better overall skin, digestive, and heart health.

So before you starve your way through another “green drink detox”...